

A typical day at the Maison Bleue commences at 8 :30 as the children arrive. They then work in class with the Montessori material until 11:00 following this, the children gather together to listen to stories and poems, sing, and celebrate birthdays. Before lunch they play for 30 minutes in the garden.

Lunch is followed by a siesta and class resumes at 2:00 till 3:30 when the children play in the garden until the parents arrive at 4:00.

A rythmique lesson is held Monday and once a month we visit the library. Wednesday morning we propose a program of artistic and cultural activities.

Practical life exercises
Are intended to allow the child to have a better knowledge and control of his environment and lead him to independence.

Sensory Education
By using Maria Montessori’s materials, the child’s five senses and stimulated. Being able to distinguish : size, shapes, weight, quantities, colours, sounds, textures and certain odours are part of our programme.

Extending oral vocabulary though readings and discussions amongst other techniques. We believe This will contribute to the building of better communication skills which positively influence future learning.

To allow the child to familiarize quite early with the numbers in order to build a base to learn and comprehend abstract notions which he will use in the future.

Socialising within groups of children of different ages. The children are encouraged to take personal initiatives and share them with others. Introduction of concepts such as respect, patience, politeness in all situations of daily life.

Artistic Activities
Painting and music are among the activities proposed at The Maison Bleue. The children are introduced to the basics of Eurythmics by means of the Jacques Dalcroze method.